Monday, August 3, 2009

Mosaic Time

I am participating for the first time in a Mosaic project at The Little Red House. Click on the link in the blogroll to see all the participants. Learning something new!!


  1. Stopping by from Mary's Mosaic Monday to say hello. Love the mosaic you put together. Our green tomatoes are finally turning red (all at once!)

    Happy Monday!

  2. Your mosaic is just beautiful! Love the colors. The tomatoes look great too.

    xo Lidy
    ps. come over and have some French Tarts in the garden with me.

  3. the funny thing is...I remember you saying how you hated those flowers in the front yard because them's was cuttin' flowers...and yet this picture is from the front yard I can tell

  4. {2nd time around!}Thanks so much for visiting me today! I have added your name to my give away...
    hope you are having a happy day.
    xoxo Lidy
