Sunday, June 23, 2013

Time passes so quickly

It's been over 2 years since I've posted anything here.  I'm sure no one comes here anymore- including me.  But this has been a big year and I feel the need to say something to the world. Something about love and loyalty.  About people and the passing of time.  On April 15, 2013, my father passed away.  He was a good man.  Not a perfect man but I am not a perfect mom to my kids.  People are not perfect, they can only do their best as they see it.  But he was of a different time, a veteran, a career civil servant.  Warm and charming, quiet and strong.

The last time I saw him was after Christmas.  He was in poor health but trying to be strong for us.  He knew he was dying.  We knew it too. Saying goodbye to him as we left to go home was the hardest thing.  We both understood it would be the last time.  

So now my mom, his partner for more than 50 years has to manage on her own.  I'm very proud of her.  She handles it all so well.  She's much stronger than she realizes.  She's handled all the financial changes, the household maintenance.  My older sister lives 40 minutes away with her husband and son and grandchildren.  
So at least there's someone nearby.  Mom alternates between selling the house and moving closer to town and fixing up and staying where she is- depending on her mood that day.  There's no rush to decide.  

In any case, it's been a dramatic change for everyone even though we knew it was coming.  Which brings me to this blog post.  When people reach their latter years, they have tendency to retreat from contact with others outside their family.  As a result, they don't make new friends and old friends pass away.  My parents did that.  The result being almost no mourners at the end.  It was very sad.  So I wanted to post this on the web for all to see.  To those who knew him and those who did not.  His life mattered and he deserved better.  

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